Open B2B SkyMAT

The Open B2B SkyMAT tool offers activation of your order for a BankID merchant certificate and results in download of associated authentication- and signing-certificates (PKCS7 certificate chains) to be used for B2B integrations.

Note that activation can only happen once for a particular order. The PKCS7-files created by the SkyMAT tool is not stored on the server for later retrieval. If the resulting PKCS7-files is not saved to your local machine, an order for a new certificate must be made.

This online version of the SkyMAT does not support orders including the HSM-option.


Give input from BankID order

Activation URL must start with ?

This field must be filled out.

Add certification requests

This field must be filled out.

This field must be filled out.

Activating merchant BankID